Seven Deadly Sins

The guidelines for this assignment were to construct a costume based on one of the seven deadly sins, using only found materials. I focused on the sin of Pride, also known as Vanity. Through research, I kept coming across mirrors, which strongly influenced my final use of those in the costume. The obsession with the self reflected through the use of mirrors was something I wanted to emphasize here. Purple, traditionally seen as the color of royalty, can also be used to portray an overinflated sense of self. One of the most difficult parts of this project was thinking beyond traditional materials used in costume construction, which shaped the thinking behind this project as well as the final outcome.

The top is constructed from bubble wrap, saran wrap, and ribbon. The skirt is constructed from flower netting and ribbon. The headpiece is constructed from pipe cleaners.



Final Project

Photos by Katrin Naumann-Hutchinson

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